ImpriMed in real world cases

Clinical cases

Discover the benefits of ImpriMed in the field of veterinary oncology. See it in action through our clinical cases and witness how it's transforming cancer treatment.

A male pet parent holding up his retriever dog evoking happy feeling

"Yoki" Multicentric B-cell lymphoma with multiple guided rescue protocols

"Samson" Atypical cutaneous relapse of B-cell lymphoma

"Max" Multicentric high grade B-cell lymphoma with predicted multi-drug resistance to modified-CHOP chemotherapy

"Bruno" Multicentric naïve large B-cell lymphoma with modified Tanovea®/mitoxantrone alternating protocol

Patient Stories


Vets Love ImpriMed

The study of new diagnostics and treatments for spontaneous cancer in pets has the potential to benefit our individual veterinary patients, animals with cancer as a whole, and, owing to their similarity, potentially shed new light into the diagnosis and therapy of human cancers as well. This is the basis of Comparative Oncology.
A profile image of Dr. Douglas Thamm

Dr. Douglas Thamm

I think personalized medicine is the way of the future. Being able to say, this is the weak spot of your cancer, we’re going to exploit that and not give it any chance to come back? That’s the goal. If we can avoid drugs that don’t work, we should. If we can identify better working drugs, we should.
A profile image of Dr. Kevin Choy, Medical Oncology Consultant at ImpriMed, Inc.

Dr. Kevin Choy

I have been working with ImpriMed for 3 years now. The oncologists and oncology nurses in SAGE Dublin offer ImpriMed when we have a canine lymphoma patient. We all feel this is a great way to contribute to advancements in canine lymphoma research.
A profile image of Dr. Wendi Velando Rankin, Medical Advisor at ImpriMed, Inc.

Dr. Wendi Velando Rankin

We always keep ImpriMed in our back pocket as a suggestion for all clients with canine lymphoma. 
I would love to see us move in a direction of personalized medicine for all patients and confirm that the probability of this test works out for the patient clinically with their response to the drugs selected. This is helpful specifically in certain situations like a rescue protocol.

I really like it for the refractory and rescue setting, where I have thrown quite a few drugs at the patient and still have lymph nodes to sample. I think there is a great opportunity for us to learn about these resistant patients and which drugs are falling where and which drug to maybe turn to next for the patient.
A profile image of Dr. Chelsea Tripp

Dr. Chelsea Tripp



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of doctors said they were satisfied with the information of ImpriMed’s report

We started using [ImpriMed] mostly for our relapsed patients to help stratify our rescue protocols. We've also used it in a couple of new cases.

Dr. Nathaniel C. Myers

ImpriMed provides clinically relevant results and prognostic information. Thanks for providing this excellent clinical service.

Dr. David Heller


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